Friday, December 21, 2007

First Day Duty

OMMC-Pharmacy Interns

Today was our first duty for our Pharmacy Internship at Ospital ng Maynila. We started at 7am, we cleaned and fixed the whole place. I was assigned first at the computer, I printed out labels for the drugs. There were also interns from other schools particulary CEU, majority of the interns were from CEU. We're just 5 from AdU then the rest is from CEU.

The on-duty RPh, was Ms. Jo Anne, she looks like Amy Austria, she's nice and not very strict with the time. She let us out by 3:30.

We are super bored, we just sitted there the whole afternoon, dispensed-sit-dispensed. Dennis and I do a little-hospital-trip. We went upstairs, pass through different departments, saw patients from different wards.

Many more days to come.. We need to pursue a hundred and sixty hours of duty. Good thing, Im with my friends. =)

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